1 Billion Moments of Courage

Activate 1 Billion Moments of Courage

The courageous decisions we make today will have a profound impact on our shared future.
Our impact number is 1 billion moments of courage.

Imagine what 1 billion moments of courage by humans aligned towards creating a positive future for all can do for our planet and all of its inhabitants?

Why 1 Billion?
We are continually exploring the ripple effect of possibilities available to us to achieve positive global impact. We’ve calculated the number of client partners we’ve worked with, how many employees and customers they each have, the amount of countries they operate in and the revenues they generate every year.
For example, 350+ fortune level organizations we’ve worked with collectively span almost every country (195) in the world, have 5 million+ employees, billions of returning customers and earn hundreds of billions in revenue.

We understand that when we are with the groups of senior leaders who make the decisions for their organizations, what we choose to focus on and decide to take action on could ripple out to this level of impact.

Imagine if the choices and decisions were towards positive and sustainable impact? With a ripple effect of just two to three steps we can positively impact billions of people.

It begins with each of us. It takes hold in how we role-model and lead. It builds momentum through effective teamwork and it expands exponentially through the actions and intentions of our organizations and leaders.
We believe in cause and effect, shifting from scarcity to abundance, elevating from competition to creativity and innovation, and moving from the strategies and actions of chasing, defending and status-quo improving to creating the future we want to live into.

In our world today, there are more than enough challenges to solve for and opportunities to realize to last a lifetime.
It is our Be Courageous mission to collaborate with as many organizations and leaders as possible, in alignment with the UN environmental, social and sustainable development goals, to positively impact as many people to consciously courage the future together.
The courageous decisions we make today will have a profound impact on our shared future.
To Courage the Future
Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) change
UN Sustainable Development Goals

UN Sustainable Development Goals

We are actively committed to the success of these sustainable development goals.

No Poverty


No Hunger


Good Health


Quality Education


Gender Equality


Clean Water & Sanitation


Renewable Energy


Good Jobs & Economic Growth


Innovation & Infrastructure


Reduced Inequalities


Sustainable Cities & Communities


Responsible Consumption


Climate Action


Life Below Water


Life On Land


Peace & Justice


Partnerships for the Goals



We're proud to partner with these companies who actively contribute to the Global Goals

Moments of Courage E-Cards

Send a powerful message of recognition, gratitude and acknowledgement to a colleague, friend, partner who has demonstrated a recent moment of courage with our free Moments of Courage E-Cards.

Let's Activate 1 Billion Moments of Courage, Together

We will help you make that happen

Seeds of Courage Newsletter

Sign up for our monthly “Seeds of Courage” newsletter for free insights and tools to plant courage in your life and business.

Courage the Future

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