With 25+ years of scientific research, and market, customer, and employee insights, we know how to create the conditions needed for systemic change and transformation.
Experiment with these tools and watch the shifts and transformations you’ll create.
For guidance on how to scale these tools in your organization, reach out!
Burnout to Balance: 5 Ways to Overcome Stress and Improve Well-Being at Work is the highly anticipated follow-up to Jenna’s first award-winning book, Chaos to Calm.
Are you or your team stressed, overwhelmed, and struggling to find work-life balance?
Jenna’s proven methods help high-achievers decrease burnout and overwhelm. Her strategies stem from her many years in organizational management for Fortune-level organizations, running human resources departments, and building collaborative, courageous, and happy teams while being a mother of four.
Burnout to Balance focuses on five doable, practical ways to:
The solution for burnout is here.
Learn more.
Watch what you can unlock when you focus on scheduling time for a courage practice every day. Using our Courage Tracker you’ll quickly learn how you can structure courage into every day.
More context can be found in our article “Making Courage a Habit.”
Our inspirational, tactical guide, along with its companion video, will help you find, align and recharge your daily life with your purpose and your “Why.”
Extra guidance can be found on our dedicated Power of Purpose page.
Aligning your mission with sustaining Earth’s finite resources has never been more important. Our roadmap can be your guide.
More context can be found in our article “What is Your EarthShot Mission?“
Get yourself and your team in the right headspace in your next meeting with our
“To -> From” excerise and watch new ideas emerge!
More context can be found in our article “Mindset Matters.”
Activate and sustain your energy by identifying what gives you positive energy and what takes it away.
More context can be found in our article “Courage Your Energy.”
Any action, big or small, will lead you to big results. Use this tool to create your action plan.
More context can be found in our article
“Taking Action: Big or Small, Just Start.”
Send a powerful message of recognition, gratitude, and acknowledgement with our free Moments of Courage E-Cards.
Map your company strategy to the SDGs that affect your business – and you can make the most impact on, with our SDG Strategy Tool.
More context can be found in our article
“What are SDGs and What Can You Do About Them?“
Create the most collaboration on your team with our exclusive team-building and project alignment tools.
More context can be found in our article
“How to get your team to work better, together.”
Develop all 5 personas of courage to become a Future-Ready Leader.
More context can be found in our article:
“Future-Ready Leadership for Exponential Times.“
Invite your team to answer these questions candidly to get insights you need to align into action!
More context can be found in our article:
“Courageous Learnings from 2022.“
Your tool to plan what action you’ll take, from Roof to Moon. You’ve got this!
More context can be found in our article:
“Take the Shot.“
Tap into your courage to care to achieve the changes you, your team, or organization want to make.
More context can be found in our article:
“The Secret Ingredient to Transformation.“
Take your team from friction to flow to increase courage energy levels for innovation and impact with this tool!
More context can be found in our article:
“From Friction to Flow.”
Practice shifting from operational to innovation mindsets to be a future-ready leader.
More context can be found in our article:
“Ambidextrous Leadership.”
How to decide what your focus should be and how to follow through on your commitments with courage.
More context can be found in our article:
“The Courage to Commit.“
Answer these thought-provoking questions to practice turning unexpected firsts into opportunities.
More context can be found in our article:
“Unpredictable Firsts.“
4 steps to leading and living with courage next year.
More context can be found in our article:
“Setting Courageous Intentions.“
Here’s your guide on becoming resilient and stronger than ever in the winds of change.
More context can be found in our article:
“Becoming a Storm Chaser.“
Thriving in uncertainty requires ensuring your business not only survives but takes bets on the massive upsides of change.
More context can be found in our article:
“Using Antifragile Concepts to Thrive in an Uncertain Future.“
How you’ll prepare, plant, nurture, and harvest your courage.
More context can be found in our article:
“Courageous Leadership.“
How you’ll face the shadows of your past to illuminate the path to your future.
More context can be found in our article:
“What’s Holding You Back?“
Identify where and how to develop the characteristics of courage in yourself, based on the latest scientific study on courage.
More context can be found in our article:
“Revealing the Characteristics of Courage.“
Use this free tool to help you and your team increase motivation and continue achieving when navigating stressful life and world situations.
More context can be found in our article:
“The Courage to Succeed When You’re Not Okay.“
Learn how to use courage to navigate through your fears.
More context can be found in our article:
“Hello, Fear, Meet Courage.“
Here’s your guide to help you decide when, why, and who to partner with to elevate your impact. Bonus: Outreach email template included!
More context can be found in our article:
“The Power of Partnerships.“
Answer these four modules to explore ways to improve and elevate your team’s dynamics to maximize performance, collaboration, and closeness.
More context can be found in our article:
“Courageous Relationships.“
Your free worksheet to help you and your team go from status quo to irreplaceable.
More context can be found in our article:
“Earn Your Seat.“
Your free guide to taking the once unimagined into the new normal.
More context can be found in our article:
“From Fantasy to Foundational: Shaping the Future Normal”
A guide to any decision you need to make with courage. Empower yourself and your team for the future with courageous decisions today.
More context can be found in our article:
“Choices are a Superpower”
Use this worksheet to discover how connecting with nature can unlock creativity, courage, and clarity in your personal and professional life.
More context can be found in our article:
Unlock courageous creativity in you, your team, and your company by following these seven steps!
More context can be found in our article:
“Courageous Creativity”
Develop the talent necessary for the future with this helpful guide and workbook.
More context can be found in our article:
“Courage Your Talent”
Discover your inner strengths and develop empathy with this life-reflecting exercise.
More context can be found in our article:
“The Empathetic Leader”
We work with a wide range of leading global clients across diverse industries and help them navigate transformational challenges.