Making Courage a Habit

Courage is an attribute from which all other attributes stem, but courage is also a verb - an action - that can be practiced, nurtured and grown, like muscles at the gym.

Written by:

Kyle Hermans

CEO & Co-Founder
Making Courage a Habit

How to practice courage every day.

Courage is an attribute from which all other attributes stem, but courage is also a verb – an action – that can be practiced, nurtured and grown, like muscles at the gym. Like increased stamina. Like getting faster at math, more skilled at guitar, or any ability we choose to focus on to develop and master.

“Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others.”

When you think about courage, many think of heroic acts like those performed by first responders or soldiers. And that level of bravery is the most inspiring, indeed. Most of us – we hope – won’t ever have to tap into that level of bravery. But all of us need courage, in all facets of life. Especially today.

To live (not just to breathe, but to truly live) requires courage. To be a parent, a colleague, a friend – every role we have in our lives requires it.

“Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, 'I'll try again tomorrow..”

Daily Acts of Courage

Consider these daily acts of courage we can all relate to.

  • Facing a fear, big or small
  • Expressing yourself
  • Following your intuition
  • Asking for help or something you want or need
  • Helping others
  • Trusting your decisions and overcoming doubt
  • Changing direction towards a better outcome for you and others
  • Dealing with the unknown
  • Having a conversation you have been putting off
  • Reducing complaining and taking positive action
  • Choosing not to avoid challenges, rather taking them on
  • Sharing your real self, feeling and emotions with others
  • Taking action outside of your comfort zone
  • Doing something without needing a certain outcome, recognition, reward or success
  • A courageous first step towards a goal, dream, idea
  • A first step towards a change you want to make
  • Practicing positive self-talk
  • Going for something you really want but have been avoiding

Developing your relationship with courage can lead to more energy, clarity and productivity.

Acts of courage don’t have to be huge and world-changing (those most huge and world-changing things only came about because of many smaller acts  adding up). Couraging a moment can look like a small step toward a goal you’ve been avoiding, or toward a change you want to make in your life. Courageous moments can be leaning into unpredictable, disruptive and complex situations with intention.

Five Elements of Courage

At Be Courageous, we’ve been invested in courage for a long time. We’ve learned from helping thousands of executives, entrepreneurs, and innovators, that to achieve greatness, courage must be fostered regularly. In our years of practicing and helping others harness the power of theirs, we have come to learn that courage has five elements:

Physical – Doing what’s right for your body and health.

Moral  – Speaking up for what matters.

Psychological – Facing your fears.

Everyday  – Maintaining a positive attitude.

Spiritual – Nurturing your creative spirit that is uniquely yours.

Courage can be fostered and practiced, just like in sports, art, or music. You can practice and build on it, every day. The more you practice activating it, the easier it will come to you.
You don’t have to be Aristotle or Brene Brown to live a courageous life. It lives in every single one of us.

Find out what happens when you spend a month being courageous. Schedule it.

Visualize what you want. Lean into it. Build an infrastructure to get there. Have accountability. Watch how much more confident and empowered you’ll feel. How much more you’ll accomplish when you’re not held back by fear.

Physical  – Schedule a nutritious or physical goal – one more glass of water, a walk outside twice a week.

Moral  – Speaking up for what matters. Invest or volunteer time to the cause that is important to you. Write a letter to stand up for a cause you believe in.

Psychological – Schedule time to develop a skill you love but are maybe afraid of (like songwriting, your novel)

Everyday  – What do you need to do every day to set your positive state? Schedule it. Every day make a point to compliment or share something positive with someone or yourself.

Spiritual  – Schedule time with nature, meditation, reading, sleep, to be around the people who nurture your spirit.

Start making Courage a habit today.

Join us in a month of courage! You schedule your coffee, Netflix, date night, gym time, it’s imperative to schedule your courage.

Monthly Courage Tracker

Watch what you can unlock when you focus on scheduling time for a courage practice every day. Using our Courage Tracker you’ll quickly learn how you can structure courage into every day.

Corporate Fragility


Most of us agree that we are really only at the tip of a massive amount of change. The 2020s will be the decade of challenge for the globe.

Corporate Fragility


Most of us agree that we are really only at the tip of a massive amount of change. The 2020s will be the decade of challenge for the globe.

Let's Get Started!

Courage my Challenge

Seeds of Courage Newsletter

Sign up for our monthly “Seeds of Courage” newsletter for free insights and tools to plant courage in your life and business.

Courage the Future

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