
There is a great and challenging future for hospitality, with a rising global middle class looking to share and experience new places and cultures. A key challenge for the industry will be how to decouple luxury/relaxation/exploration from consumption – plastics, energy, water, GHG generation…
Here are some of the thoughts we have gathered and questions we are asking around the future of hospitality.

We ask these 3 key questions when looking at the future of all industries.

  1. How will you intertwine the Triple Bottom Line of Planet, People, and Prosperity?

  2. Where are the Moments of Courage you need?

  3. What Key Questions will unlock new mental models?
We encourage you to harness exponential technologies and take Courageous Actions to Build Forward.

The Triple Bottom Line

  • How to decouple hospitality from excess consumption?
  • How to stick to the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance reduction targets on carbon emissions by 66% per room by 2030, and 90% per room by 2050, to ensure the growing industry does not come with an increase in carbon emissions?
  • How to become water stewards generating clean water for the local communities? Average hotel water use 1,500 litres per room per day and some locations tourism uses 8X more water per person than the local population.
  • What does regenerative, circular hospitality look like?
  • How to ensure that the 330 million workers worldwide supported by the hospitality industry, are able to thrive?
  • How to operate from a human rights first mental model, including for non-direct employees?
  • How to be boldly transparent to ensure no forced labour (modern slavery) throughout the supply chain?
  • How to be at the forefront of eliminating human trafficking, including sexual exploitation taking place in hotels?
  • How to blend analogue and digital to create a truly immersive value- added experience that breaks the limitations of time and space?
  • How to provide hospitality to the rising middle class, who will be price sensitive, while you are operating in a world with full carbon and water pricing?
  • How to move to carbon and water neutrality today, to be well positioned to outpace your competition struggling with higher prices and transition costs in the future?
  • How to create SDG-positive Fly-Drive-Stay-Experience packages?

The Courage Needed

To think outside of the hotel box. To seek and speak the truth of the human, climate, water, and waste impact of the industry. Price prosperity for people and the planet into the industry.

The Question to Ask

What would reimagined “Hospitality” would look like in a hyper digitized, SDG positive world, and how do we start to create it?

The Courage Library

The Courage Library

Our top 100 books for fueling your mind, growing your soul, and leading with courage.

Be Courageous Partners with Oxford Leadership to Drive Global Transformation

Be Courageous Partners with Oxford Leadership to Drive Global Transformation

The partnership between Oxford Leadership and Be Courageous is based on shared values, a vision for transforming business for good, and a commitment to impactful changes across people, the planet, and profit margins.

Revealing the Characteristics of Courage

Revealing the Characteristics of Courage

Insights – and a twist – from the newest academic study on the psychology on courage in the workplace!

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