
Here are some of the questions we are asking about the changing nature of risk, the need to look to a different future, and the future of Insurance and the industry.

We ask these 3 key questions when looking at the future of all industries.

  1. How will you intertwine the Triple Bottom Line of Planet, People, and Prosperity?

  2. Where are the Moments of Courage you need?

  3. What Key Questions will unlock new mental models?
We encourage you to push beyond ESG reporting, to harness exponential technologies and take Courageous Actions to Build Forward.

The Triple Bottom Line

  • What are the long term risk parameters of pushing up against the planetary boundaries?
  • How can we prosper by reducing the risk associated with operating at planetary boundaries?
  • What are the planetary conditions we want to build to minimize risk to our insurance portfolio?
  • What is the role of insurance in extended longevity through exponential medicine?
  • How are you using your investment portfolio to create a more stable future – solving SDGs & ESG investing?
  • What is V.U.C.A. based Insurance – like climate insurance?
  • How will exponential technologies change the nature of risk, and what is being insured e.g. what do you insure for driverless cars, how do you insure for radical life extension?
  • Where are the new markets in future-proofing in an environmentally, socially, and technologically uncertain world?
  • Where can we have a double benefit by investing our portfolio in SDG Conscious companies that stabilize the risks facing our underwritten insurance products?
  • What if the future of insurance was linked to positive moral behaviors?
  • How can Artificial Intelligence give you more accurate risk assessments than underwriters and actuaries?

The Courage Needed

Envision the worst, and act and price to drive a better future.

The Question to Ask

How do you underwrite in a radically uncertain future? How to create and uncover the channels of certainty in a radically uncertain future? What are the new insurance markets?

Be Courageous Partners with Oxford Leadership to Drive Global Transformation

Be Courageous Partners with Oxford Leadership to Drive Global Transformation

The partnership between Oxford Leadership and Be Courageous is based on shared values, a vision for transforming business for good, and a commitment to impactful changes across people, the planet, and profit margins.

Revealing the Characteristics of Courage

Revealing the Characteristics of Courage

Insights – and a twist – from the newest academic study on the psychology on courage in the workplace!

Courage Your Energy

Courage Your Energy

If you show up to a meeting with your shoulders slumped and your energy still in bed from hours prior, you are doing yourself and your team a disservice. Chances are, it won’t be a productive meeting.

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