
For the last 250 years, taking from the earth, combining resources, and adding human creativity has been at the heart of our economies, and the function of manufacturing. This very linear Take-Make-Use-Dispose model is no longer viable, leading us to ask ourselves these questions about the future of manufacturing.

We ask these 3 key questions when looking at the future of all industries.

  1. How will you intertwine the Triple Bottom Line of Planet, People, and Prosperity?

  2. Where are the Moments of Courage you need?

  3. What Key Questions will unlock new mental models?
We encourage you to push beyond ESG reporting, to harness exponential technologies and take Courageous Actions to Build Forward.

The Triple Bottom Line

  • How would we see Consumers if we framed them as Nurturers?
  • What would your business be using a Supply Cycle instead of a Supply Chain mental model?
  • How can you unlock abundance with a Circular Regenerative Model of your business?
  • How would we exist as a Carbon Negative Company?
  • How would your company be richer with DEIB, and equitable access globally?
  • How would your thinking shift if the purpose of your organization was to truly help all people live their best lives?
  • How can exponential technology and regenerative manufacturing create abundance, on this planet of 8.5 billion people by 2030?

The Courage Needed

To lead the way in regenerative best practices?

The Question to Ask

What does a prosperous, regenerative, supply-cycle look like for a resource restricted world?

The Courage Library

The Courage Library

Our top 100 books for fueling your mind, growing your soul, and leading with courage.

Be Courageous Partners with Oxford Leadership to Drive Global Transformation

Be Courageous Partners with Oxford Leadership to Drive Global Transformation

The partnership between Oxford Leadership and Be Courageous is based on shared values, a vision for transforming business for good, and a commitment to impactful changes across people, the planet, and profit margins.

Revealing the Characteristics of Courage

Revealing the Characteristics of Courage

Insights – and a twist – from the newest academic study on the psychology on courage in the workplace!

Let's Get Started!

Courage my Challenge

Seeds of Courage Newsletter

Sign up for our monthly “Seeds of Courage” newsletter for free insights and tools to plant courage in your life and business.

Courage the Future

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