Courage The Future

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Be Courageous

The outcome you desire is directly proportional to the courage that you're willing to take in the moment.

Courage the Future is the purpose statement for our company Be Courageous. If you look in the dictionary, courage is listed as a noun. We think that’s only half right. We are challenging the dictionary: We believe that courage is also a verb. Inside all of us, we have an abundance of courage. What we have lost is the connection to the bridge from knowing that courage exists, and getting consistent access to it.

When we turn courage into a verb, it asks, “What is the courage necessary in this moment? How do I courage this conversation? How do I courage this project?” These thoughts start to completely shift our thinking, the way our imagination and intuition works; the connection that we have to the self and the future.

How do we actually Courage the Future? What is necessary? What do we need to step into today to create tomorrow? If we took a bold courageous action today, how could that shape and shift what the future could become? How do we create and take that next step? Our work over the last several years has been pioneering, balancing and role modeling the idea of courage as a verb.

Over these years, we learned that to courage the future is a form of currency. Typically, in transactions with clients, we’re trading money, time, resources. When we thought deeper about what is the currency that brings us together in our work? What are we actually exchanging? What value are we building, storing and spreading?

We realized our currency is Moments of Courage. And so, courage becomes an asset – just like a financial one: Courage is a form of wealth.

  • A moment of courage could be “I’m exhausted. I need to get some more sleep.” A moment of courage could be, “My diet is suffering: I’m going to stop eating those giant donuts!”

  • A  moment of courage also could also be, “I’m not leaning into this conversation with the amount of transparency it deserves. I’m not actually taking on this client’s engagement and showing up beyond just the required things that we have to do.”

  • A moment of courage could also be “I’m looking at the world and seeing an injustice, seeing inequality, and having empathy for a really serious problem that’s going on. Making the decision that I could actually step in and do something about it.” These are moments of courage.

  • A moment of courage could also be that in my mind and in my heart, I wake up every day dreaming about something I want to achieve. I dream about a business. I dream about a life. I dream about an outcome. I dream about experiencing something different than what I’m experiencing today – and taking action towards that future.

We have a quote that we say at Be Courageous:

“The outcome you desire is directly proportional to the courage that you’re willing to take in the moment.”

If you just want to do the bare minimum, it doesn’t take a lot of courage. 

But if you want to change the world, it is a process of constantly tapping into the courage within you. You have to face a lot of things; a spectrum of dark nights, the demons. You also have to embrace the responsibility of the outcomes that you achieve when you lean into courage.

And in so doing, we “Courage The Future.”

We invite you now to explore what it means to courage your future with us.
Be Courageous.

Corporate Fragility


Most of us agree that we are really only at the tip of a massive amount of change. The 2020s will be the decade of challenge for the globe.

Corporate Fragility


Most of us agree that we are really only at the tip of a massive amount of change. The 2020s will be the decade of challenge for the globe.

Let's Get Started!

Courage my Challenge

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Courage the Future

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